March 05, 2013

winter soup session: italian wedding soup with herbed chicken meatballs

I like to look up the history of my soups.  For the Italian Wedding Soup, I imagined there was going to be a romantic story of true love wrapped around an elaborate feast.  I was very surprised when I learned that the cited wedding is the really the marriage of green vegetables and meat, to each other.

Similarly to beef borscht, this soup is made with many different combinations, basically whatever you have on hand, as long as the sacred marriage is respected.  For the meat, I have seen it as chicken, brisket and meatballs.   The chicken meatballs in the recipe below are delicious baked in the oven for about 10 minutes at 350 and eaten straight off the cookie sheet.  The taste of parmesan comes through and the chicken flavor is a nice change from heavier beef meatballs.

As yummy as the baked meatballs are, for this soup, they are best when poached in the actual soup broth as they are light and easy to eat while slurping down the soup (I would like to thank Kim for this brilliant suggestion).  For the vegetable, I have seen it including cabbage, spinach, kale and escarole.  Having made this with both spinach and escarole, I prefer the escarole as it holds up better and imparts a nice flavor.  That being said, if you have spinach, throw that in.  Most people don't have bags of escarole hanging about.

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