Jerusalem artichokes (aka Sunchokes) are the tubers of a sunflower. They are interesting looking, they store well, they can be eaten raw, steamed, sauteed, pureed, they are a good source of calcium, iron, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B, fiber, folate and magnesium. BUT....and it is a big but, they are hard to digest and thus have gained the name "fartichokes". In 1621, an english botanist, John Goodyer wrote this about them: "they...cause a fithy loathsome stinking wind within the body...and are a meat more fit for swine than men". Some cookbooks attach most of the gas to eating them raw (you can ask my cooking partner Amy about this). So, if you dare, this recipe produces a deliciously creamy soup, especially with the garnish of black lentils, apple and chives (or tarragon).
This picture is of the soup pre-puree form, both are good.
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